
Lookout Springtime

Purging is a concept that I have a challenge with. I think part of it is the lack of desire to make quick decisions about getting rid of things that I might need later. Setting that aside, it is time to focus on one area at a time and to get things that are no longer needed, distributed and out of the house.  Continue reading

Where to Start

Spring and fall house cleaning always seemed overwhelming to me.  The thought of ripping everything apart twice a year seemed like just too much work.  I had an aunt who helped to put my anxiety at ease.  She said she would thoroughly clean whatever needed it at the time and did not tear the house apart to accomplish spring and fall cleaning. Continue reading

Spring Organizing

I have never been a big advocate of cleaning in general.  It’s not my favorite thing to do. So, when asked what I do for Spring Cleaning – you will see a glazed look on my face.  

As a child, we always cleaned on Saturday mornings, but I don’t ever remember being subjected to a major Spring Cleaning undertaking.  Maybe this is an idea from years ago.  Maybe some still abide by that idea.  I’m not sure.  All I know is that I don’t do it. Continue reading

Time to Clean – Becoming a FlyLady

cleaningIf you are anything like me, I have a hard time wanting to clean my house.  I don’t enjoy cleaning at all.  Growing up, my mom did it right.  She had it set up that Lisa and I had jobs to do to clean the whole house by the time she came home from work.  I dusted and Lisa vacuumed.  On Saturdays, you didn’t do anything else until those jobs were done.   Continue reading

Is Spring House Cleaning Even a Thing Any More?

The first day of spring this year is just around the corner. And that gets me thinking about…”Spring House Cleaning”! Crazy, I know. Isn’t this an antiquated activity?  I remember when some of the most beautiful spring days were dedicated to emptying out one room of a house at a time. Then we spent days cleaning windows, washing walls, scrubbing floors, shampooing carpets, organizing drawers, sorting out closets, you get the idea. We used to basically clean the whole damn house, from top to bottom, one room at a time. Continue reading