Please, No Socks or Underwear For Me

Our family has participated in a “Secret Santa” gift exchange for the last several years. (This year, I believe there are 17 family members involved.) Each person gets one name and buys a gift (spending up to $25) for that person.

What makes it so fun and special is that no one is going to give, or get, something that is…necessary. All gifts will be tokens of thoughtfulness. I think there are 4 main rules that we follow to amplify enjoyment.

Only One

Years ago, Christmas began to feel so overwhelming. I always envied people who had their gift shopping done weeks before December 25th. I was often still shopping on December 23rd and inevitably wrapping presents in the wee hours of Christmas morning. 

“Secret Santa” gives one small, thoughtful gift. The focus is on the fun, the giftee, and the gifter.


I also love the price limit. Depending on the group and finances, I think this one is negotiable. But with a priority on keeping the financial expenditure small. You really need to think carefully about the person and focus on their personality, habits, passions, and/or quirks.

For example, a few years ago, I was the Secret Santa for my adventurous and unpredictable nephew, Nate. He loves paintballing and motorcycles. He had just moved into an apartment with his girlfriend. I was having a hard time finding a gift that hit the mark. Until I spied it…a beautiful, sharp, quality, chef’s knife. When Nate opened it, the Christmas lights glinted off the well-honed blade as he held it aloft like a maniac and cackled in delight. It was evident to all that he was pleased with the gift.


I learned this one through experience. 

As a child, my Grandma Is took me to Schultz’s 5 &10 (the “dimestore”) to look for holiday gifts. I remember one year finding a brown glass toothpick holder for Dad. It was so much more satisfying than the package of white hankies I gave him the previous year. 

You see, hankies fall into the same category as athletic socks and underwear. They are needed, yes. But not for Christmas…no joy, no fun. 

Now, I do need to add a caveat here. Socks and underwear have changed–for the better–recently. Remember at the beginning of this story, when I said you need to think about a person’s QUIRKS? Well, my son Kadon, LOVES fun socks. He has received taco socks, shark “Bite Me” socks, monster socks, Christmas socks…you get the idea. This proves the old adage “Rules are made to be broken”.

No Regifting

This final one was learned when I was a small child. I was at my Great Grandma B’s house. The small living room was crowded with relatives I didn’t know. I loved to rub the velvety burgandy horsehair sofa. A sacred heart of Jesus picture looked on the gathering with a bored expression. I received a small wrapped box–the size that checks came in. Inside were a dozen old, dirty, plastic play farm animals.  I was confused by the gift but I tried to show…appreciation. I’m not sure I succeeded.

Now the Secret Santa Exchange happens late in the afternoon at Grandma Sandy and Grandpa Art’s house. (The four households of the Sidetracked Sisters each have their own individual Christmas morning activities.) The practice minimizes the possibility of receiving old toys or boring hankies. The gifting of sharp cutlery in the hands of a crazy young man has added some excitement to the festivities. 

I guess the moral of Secret Santa is–keep it simple, fun, and no regifting. No undergarments or hankies are allowed.

Give lots of love, be kind to everyone…and show

appreciation for whatever you get.

Who is Lisa

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