You Can’t March With a Piano

I have always wanted to learn to play the piano.  From the time I was little, I thought this would be fun and something I would enjoy all my life.  At my grandma’s house in Black Earth, she had a piano player.  My dad would sit at it and play “The Wild Irish Rose” and The Old Rugged Cross”.  I don’t remember having the opportunity to play this piano as we were kids and it was thought that we might break something or whatever.  Probably our plunking would just annoy everyone.

Then I entered I believe it was fourth grade and my class was given the opportunity to choose an instrument that we wanted to play in the band.  Since pianos were not an option for marching that ruled out my piano idea.  Still, I only wanted to play the piano.  My oldest sister played the violin, and the harp, and ended up playing the alto saxophone.  Since my dad had purchased one saxophone this was what all three of his girls would play whether we wanted to or not.  Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed playing the sax, and I especially loved to march in the band at football games and parades.  Then came a glitch.  My older sister graduated, but my youngest sister was now ready to pick out her instrument of choice.  This was not a choice because after all we had a saxophone in the family and that would also be her instrument to play.  The problem is it often conflicted with my schedule and I was put on a bass saxophone.  I had to roll this large instrument around the band room on wheels.  I also had to play the bass notes which I hated.  The alto saxophone always played the melody and I loved that.  The only time I got my beloved alto sax back was when we had to march as the stupid bass sax would never make it wheeling it down the street while marching.

pianoMany years later my daughters both decided after they graduated from high school that they wanted to play the piano.  Michelle taught herself and when it came time to take lessons her enjoyment of the piano was lost.  Lisa took piano lessons in college.  It was during this time that we purchased a refurbished player piano.  I had it set so that it could play electrically.

When it was decided that my grandchildren would benefit from piano lessons I for Christmas found two different pianos on Google at reasonable prices and purchased them for my daughters.

The beloved player piano that I had to have is sitting in a particular spot in my living room.  It is a lovely piece of furniture and is still waiting for me to learn to play!!!

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