Medflight to Madison

antibioticI have always taken antibiotics for granted.  I felt that an antibiotic was prescribed for different kinds of Illnesses, but didn’t really pay attention feeling that one would probably work for any kind of illness.

Well, I was wrong.

I have had many UTIs in my life and took any antibiotic that I could get my hands on when I couldn’t see a doctor.

Several years ago I had another UTI.  It was on my birthday.  I got an antibiotic from my doctor and started taking it right away.  I continued to feel horrible.  A couple of friends and I had scheduled a girls’ weekend at my cottage in Door County.  We had wanted to go on a tour of homes that was being held.  On the morning of that day, and after taking my required round of meds, I felt terrible.  I was throwing up, felt like shit, and ended up not going to the tour of homes.  I also could not enjoy the rest of the events such as going to eat, hanging out, and the rest of our activities.  The girls suggested that I call the doctor’s office upon my return home.  This I did and was told by a nurse that I should continue taking the antibiotic as it takes a while to be effective.  I stopped anyway as I just felt every time I took this drug I just kept getting worse.  I made an appointment to see my doctor.  I had taken my two granddaughters with me, one only being about three years old, when he had an emergency and asked me to either make another appointment or wait for about 1/2 of an hour to see him.  I chose to make another appointment.  Big mistake.

A couple of weeks went by and I felt horrible. Art had a class reunion and wanted me to attend the casual party the night before, and the dinner the next night.  I could not attend the informal event and that was upsetting to my husband.  So, I knew it was imperative to join him at the formal dinner the next night.  As I was trying to get dressed, I was so sick.  My back felt like someone had slammed a pitchfork in it.  So, thinking I should have been taking that stupid antibiotic I took one.  About fifteen minutes later I felt like a Mac truck hit me.

I went to the class reunion, had a sip of my drink, and told Art I had to go home.  He sent me on my way.  I threw up three times on the side of the road on my way home.  When I got home I flopped on my bed and just knew I was really sick.  I was able to get hold of my daughter, Lisa, and told her I needed to go to the E.R.  She called the ambulance and they came and took me to the hospital.

While there I was given morphine which made me feel much better.  But, after being admitted and in the middle of the night, the nurse who was monitoring me said, “Sandy, you are one really sick lady.”  I just felt like o.k. just fix me.  The next thing I knew they were taking my rings off, which some had to be cut off as they had given me so much liquid which made me swell up terribly.  Then I was told they couldn’t do what they needed to in Beaver Dam so they were going to med flight me to Madison.  Seriously? I didn’t care what they needed to do – I just wanted them to fix me.  

It just happened that this was during the Day in the Park craft show which I was in charge of the food booth.  So, as it happened I was flying over Swan City Park instead of where I had planned to be.  

To make a long story short, I spent a week in the hospital in Madison, having doctors doing loads of research, and telling my story at least one hundred times, all they could come up with is that I am allergic to the antibiotic, Macrobid.  This is a commonly used drug used for people with UTIs.  But, for some reason, it doesn’t work for me.

So, my medical chart now shows “MACROBID” in big red letters for me being seriously allergic. I also now heed the advice of my doctor, “Listen to your body”  I now totally listen to this advice and it has helped me in several situations since then.

Who Is Sandy

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1 thought on “Medflight to Madison

  1. Great story, Sandy, I didn’t find out until I was in my 50’s that I am extremally allergic to penicillin. If my daughter hadn’t picked up on it I wouldn’t be here today to tell this story.

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