
Time for Bed

bedAs I’ve mentioned before – I LOVE sleeping.  So, it naturally follows that bedtime is my favorite time of the day.  But, before I indulge in this most joyous event, there are a few things that need to happen in order for me to feel ready to jump in.

My bedtime routine used to be very simple.  Hop into bed and you are done with the routine.  I know you are supposed to brush your teeth and wash your face before hopping in, but as a kid and a young adult – that just seemed like too much work. Continue reading

Matching Not Required

matching not required

This is me at 4 years old. Yeah, I can still sleep pretty much anywhere, anytime…

It seems that lately, I am so tired at the end of the day that I often get into bed–clothes on.  I have a new day job that is really intense. when I get home, I shower, do my hair, put on a pinch of makeup, and go take care of dinner. So when I say that I get in bed fully clothed, that means socks and a bra also.

But life has not always been so crazy. Continue reading

I Love My Stripper

When I was little a new pair of pajamas was a wonderful treat.  We usually got a pair for every Christmas and were always looked for in anticipation.  The ones I am referring to are the soft, cuddly, fresh PJs.  I never wanted to have them washed because then they would not be so soft and the cuddliness would go away.  So, trying to keep them out of the wash was the key. Continue reading

Don’t Scare the Kids

I can’t say that I have ever had a favorite pair of PJs.  Throughout the years, I’ve worn nightgowns, silk shirts/shorts, “nighties”, sweats, and gone naked.  Each one has been comfortable at the time that I wore (or didn’t wear) it. Continue reading

A Permanently Exhausted Pigeon

pigeonAt this point of my life, I don’t think I’m a night owl OR an early bird.  I know for sure that I’ve never been an early bird.  The idea of waking up early in the morning puts absolute dread in my heart.   Continue reading

Can Netflix Binging be Considered Self-Care?

netflixI’ve never really thought much about self-care until recently.  Previously, I feel like I just did certain things because I liked them.  Now, I try to more consciously perform some self-care. Here is a list of the items I’m currently doing to take care of myself. Continue reading