
Honey… What’s Cooking??

I have a confession to make. I don’t cook very often. My husband was raised in the restaurant business and started scraping gum off the bottom of tables with a putty knife when he was too little to remember. One thing led to another and he started food preparation when he was very young. Being around food and people who cooked well caught on with him.

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Soups, Casseroles, etc – Cooking Is Love To Me

In my mind, cooking equals love. The thinking goes this way…

If I love you, I take care of you.

If I take care of you, I want you to be healthy.

If I want you to be healthy, I want you to eat good food.

If I want you to eat good food, I have to cook.

If I cook, then you won’t get processed or fast food.

If you don’t get processed or fast food, you will be healthy.

If you are healthy, it means that I am doing a good job of taking care of you.

If I am taking care of you, then I love you. Continue reading