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Spring Purge

I love the idea of purging, whether it’s diving into “spring housecleaning” or embarking on a minimalist-inspired throw-out session.

Although my closet isn’t bursting at the seams or cluttered with dated items, I relish the process of regularly sorting through my clothes and decluttering. Enlisting a neutral third party makes this task easier. Sometimes, I turn to my daughter Aubrey for assistance, while other times, I seek help from my son Kadon.

Of the two, Aubrey is the most ruthless. During our last session, she critiqued most of my wardrobe, accusing me of wearing a shirt that resembled a tablecloth and pants that were too “grandma”…oh my.

Reflecting on my high school days, I remember that anything more than a year old was considered outdated and promptly discarded. However, now I have items in my closet that are ten, fifteen, or even twenty years old.

Recently, I parted ways with some beautiful boots that I had purchased around 2015 and regularly wore until 2020. I donated them to St. Vinnie’s. It’s not that I no longer loved them; I did. However, I found myself gravitating towards shorter booties. The tall boots simply didn’t evoke the same sense of comfort. Whenever I contemplated wearing them, I effortlessly opted for something else that sparked more joy.

And that’s perfectly fine.

Clothes, fashion, and style are meant to evolve. I am meant to evolve, experiment, and grow.

To make space for the new, I must let go of the old. My Aunt Judy instilled this lesson in me many years ago. She encouraged me to clear out everything in my ex-husband’s closet, dresser, and belongings in the basement. Only by shedding the old can one comfortably and eagerly welcome the new.

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