
The Day Feels Longer

There is a lot of controversy regarding whether to keep daylight savings time in effect.

I love the time change in the spring giving us more daylight hours.  I would love to see it kept that way all the time.  I am not a morning person, so when it is light for a longer time I love it.  I am notoriously late and one time when daylight savings time started in the spring I was going to church.  I was going to be on time.  Got to the parking lot and no one else was there.  A friend of mine drove next to my car and just laughed.  Daylight savings time had started the night before and I was one hour early.  So this shows that I am not always late. Continue reading

I Blame My Dad

studyingWhen I was in school my family exercised horrible sleeping patterns and habits.  My dad was a salesman and because he came home late we would eat after 7:30 p.m. when his mail had to be sent out.  This created the schedule for things such as homework being done after dinner going later into the night.  I don’t remember being motivated very often to start homework right after school.  Why ruin that wonderful free time?  Continue reading

A Permanently Exhausted Pigeon

pigeonAt this point of my life, I don’t think I’m a night owl OR an early bird.  I know for sure that I’ve never been an early bird.  The idea of waking up early in the morning puts absolute dread in my heart.   Continue reading

Early Bird Wannabe

early bird wannabe

Here are the grandmas on a “work weekend”. It’s probably around midnight. See one grandma is snoozing and the other is waiting for the party to begin!

In college, my mom and two grandmas would come up to Eau Claire and help decorate my dorm room or apartment. Inevitably, we would chat for a while, go out to eat, and begin working on our 10 pm. I would begin to fade at about 1:00 am, and mom was just hitting her stride. Continue reading

Night Owl Style

night owlEarly morning is my time to roll over in bed and luxuriate in uninterrupted sleep.  Sleeping until noon is not my style but getting up around 9 or 9:30 am is. Getting up slowly and putting on comfy clothes is a great start to my day. By this time, I feel rested and ready to accomplish the goals I have set for myself. Continue reading