
Stringbean No More

When I was a kid, I was a string bean. I could eat anything and never gained a pound.  The only “diet” I practiced at this time was drinking malts before I went to bed to try to gain a few pounds. Continue reading

Where There’s a Will, There’s a Way

When I was in high school and when I got married I weighed 98 pounds.  I was always a skinny kid and the word diet never came flowing off of my lips.  Who could ever restrict their eating habits?  This was a foreign subject to me.  Actually, when I was in middle school I had my mom take me to the doctor to see why I was so thin.  He prescribed some pills but assured me that someday I would wish I was this thin.  I think the pills were a placebo and didn’t do a thing.  So, I continued to be skinny.  Continue reading

I Blame My Dad

studyingWhen I was in school my family exercised horrible sleeping patterns and habits.  My dad was a salesman and because he came home late we would eat after 7:30 p.m. when his mail had to be sent out.  This created the schedule for things such as homework being done after dinner going later into the night.  I don’t remember being motivated very often to start homework right after school.  Why ruin that wonderful free time?  Continue reading

Night Owl Style

night owlEarly morning is my time to roll over in bed and luxuriate in uninterrupted sleep.  Sleeping until noon is not my style but getting up around 9 or 9:30 am is. Getting up slowly and putting on comfy clothes is a great start to my day. By this time, I feel rested and ready to accomplish the goals I have set for myself. Continue reading

Still Searching

hairstylesI am 78 years old and to this day, I have not found the hairstyle that I really like.  Sad, isn’t it?  I have probably run out of time, but I keep going forward trying new styles and for some reason, I end up with pretty much the same one.  It might be a bit shorter, or longer, but it generally always seems to end up looking pretty much the same. Continue reading

No Turning Back

No Turning Back

First Grade

It was the summer before Second Grade that I got my hair cut short. I remember loving momo’s new short pixie/shag. Mom warned me that there was no going back when you make a decision to go short. 

So go short I did.

Mom actually still has the thick blondish ponytail that her friend Tom cut off (he was a barber) before beginning my transformation.

I quickly realized that I preferred long hair. But as mom warned, “There is no turning back!” Continue reading

Short and Sassy

When I was a little girl, my mom would cut my hair. I basically had a short bob with a curl on each side and straight across my forehead bangs. Whenever a special occasion came up, like school pictures or a holiday, mom would trim my hair. If the sides weren’t even, she’d trim a bit off the long side and so on and so on until finally my hair on the side went halfway up my ears. My bangs suffered the same fate. This went on until they were very short and sort of straight across. A disaster to say the least. Continue reading

Hair is an Accessory

I kept my hair long up until I went to college.  You may think that it was by choice, but actually, it was Mom’s choice.  I was forbidden from cutting my hair, probably because Lisa had cut hers, and mom was traumatized from that point on.  Even though I couldn’t cut my hair, I did on occasion get a perm in my hair to try to combat the stick-straight quality of it.  The perms didn’t hold for very long and I even went to a beauty salon a time or two to get a spiral perm. Those perms worked better than the at-home perms but still weren’t a long-term solution.  Continue reading

Makeup is Optional


‘Chelle in 9th grade

I didn’t start wearing makeup until I was in 9th grade.  I never went out to buy my own, but simply acquired it from either Lisa or Mom.  I only wore concealer, mascara, a little blush, and eyeliner.  At one point, I tried wearing white concealer as an eye shadow, but I quickly stopped that practice because we were at a high school football game and Lisa screeched above the din of the crowd “Why do you have white creases on your eyelids? What did you do?”  I was horrified. Continue reading

Silver Sparkle Disease

makeupWhen I was young, my older sisters always wore makeup. I remember thinking that the well-placed makeup transformed them both from pleasant looking to “beautiful women”. Continue reading